ElvUI Scan this QR code to download the app now. Quite a bit of setup is required. But before this was so, yes that was a great macro. You can use Modifiers. I had a little premature post though because Sabaren posted this: /cast [target=pet,dead][mod:shift] revive pet; [nopet] call pet; mend pet, #showtooltip ", Brandy Hagler commented: "Awww how cute your little on thought you were getting hurt. /cast Rapid Fire Press the button and the pet attacks. /use Healthstone Functions just like the Masters Call macro, but for Roar of Sacrifice. SV and MM hunters dont have to worry about pet survivability quite as much, because their pets are used more for situational abilities, plus if they die, they dont lose a huge chunk of DPS or any spec defining abilities. I went ahead and edited all of the .lua files in the saved variables folders If you really dont want to have to manage your aspects, then youll need to use: #showtooltip Steady Shot If your pet is dead: You will cast Revive Pet. Aimed Shot (For when using Flare Macro with Track Hidden) - This will turn on Track Humanoids (for Improved Tracking), Remove Blessing of Protection or Detterence to become able to shoot and fire Aimed shot. /cast Hunters Mark /cast [@mouseover,help,nodead] [@focus,help,nodead] [] MisdirectionTrap Macros. page. If no targets are selected, then it will cast MD onto your pet. alternative that allows you to heavily customize your scrolling combat text. Is this possible? Use this macro instead for anything outside of PvP: /targetenemy Has the usage of Misdirect changed or is it bugged? class and take their gameplay to new heights. #showtooltip Mend Pet I didnt get a chance to log in and test it last night but on checking here in preparation to post what I was about to test I saw your reply and was able to adjust my macros in time to get into a Tol Barad, battle and having those macod before the shots made a nice difference. Also, aside from getting rid of the insane lag that Comcast has been so kind as to provide, and using Quartz to get the shots in as soon as they are really castable, what can I do (and this is a more general question) to increase dps? Start Attack & Pet Attack Macro. It offers extensive in-game analysis tools compared to Skada, If your pet is not summoned but is dead you can hold shift to cast Revive Pet. Im going to try and update my Power Auras strings this week, but in the meantime you could download my UI package and get it there. /use Freezing Trap Youll notice there are no /castsequence shot macros in this list. these are all instants except Cobra Shot wich have a global cooldown every hunter knows that :) Now with Cataclysm out, we no longer uses mana, and they made aspects, cost free (meaning no loss of focus changing aspects) imagine moving and dealing your instant shots with aspect of the hawk damagebonuseasy, but also using cobra shots while moving!!!! i m not very fit in writing macros, only short ones. could someone tell me where to get it or poet it here? If youre new to the world of macros, then please read the FAQs and Basics sections below. Workaround macro for the current bug related to mouseover dead allies. would like to get them on the same button if possible, thanks! /cast Masters Call. Pair this with up more maturity in the keybinding department (use my mouse to move not the keys) and then i cast shots galore with huge DPS just simply love it great guide and help for me thanks again! I would not waste GCDs on Concussive Shots, as they do no damage and most of the time are not needed. Also is there a way to make your macros do something different based upon what aspect you are in similar to bear/cat form or battle/berserker stance? ensure that if your pet has a target already, cast Kill Command, otherwise if your pet s without a target, send it in to attack? I noticed youre using your trinkets before your shots in some of the example macros. Pets can come in the form of 6 different rarities: COMMON, UNCOMMON, RARE, EPIC, LEGENDARY and MYTHIC. Hunter's Mark will be cast on the target. While pressing the alt modifier it will Chains of Ice your focus target. If youre unable to get this to work, then you must have some addon interfering. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! The first totem is Fire Resistance Totem increasing the fire resistance of party members within 20 yards by XX. or Heart of the Rhino + Spirit Bond + Glyph of Mend Pet is awesome. Stringing attack sequences together into a macro is never a good thing, as it can never compare with a Hunters ability to manually make decisions and adjust on the fly. They will cast your traps at the location of your cursor. LOL i am such a noob. This Ive used it plenty myself when it was required. Could i just macro it with another attack i use often? Also note Multi-Shot is optional depending on the type of fight you're in so don't let this macro get you in trouble by leaving Multi Shot in if threat will be a problem. For one, I HoT my pet up at the beginning of every match just before I send him in to attack. Heya Garwulf been a while since i posted, moved, got new job all the usual stuff, just checking to see if you had posted a new mount macro. /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), never again will you ever ever be blamed for your pet breaking a CC due to the terribad AI of pets if you are either BM or MM you can simply substitute Cobra Shot for you respective offensive shot, Hey Gar, /cast /cast Arcane Shot 7 = legs [harm] = if current target is hostile, if the condition is true then it will trigger the /targetenemy command, if the condition is false the script ignores the command. /cast [nocombat,nomounted]Aspect of the Viper /cast Call Pet Number of your PVP Pet. Might want to throw in some MM macros. Thanks for these, as always. looking to step into Mythic raiding. again the second cast does not work, I have also tried switching the order without any change in behavior. Thanks for any help. #showtooltip *Shot/Sting Name* . /castsequence reset=2 Trap Launcher, Freezing Trap Again, I am not sure how accurate this information is, nor do I know if there was a change in this mechanic as well. This page was a huge help! Example Bar 1 (AB=actionbar): You are an asset to hunters everywhere and I appreciate all your efforts. Are there any macros that help switching targets in a boss fight? This is because, A: those types of macros suck and you should not use themever. The reason it was working sometimes is probably due to your pet being in/out of Kill Command range. It uses no focus unless I pick up a target, and I send out hurt first instead of placing the marker. any suggestions. Finally, yes /targetenemyplayer is much better in PVP. Hope they help! But you still need to have the trap ability in one of your bars for it to work. What hunters have these days is a shot priority. /cast A Murder of Crows martin county mn sheriff's office staff directory; adam carlyle taylor motorcycle accident 17 = offhand (cant equip) /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), Also i want to thank you for the gun show macro, i just cant stop playing with it at random places hahah just lots of fun!!! It would be their first target =((.. i dunno if my talents are wrong or sumthing else I currently use a Ravager (cunning) Pet..as it gives me a 2 sec stun nd high dps.. While enemies are busy trying to take down your pet, youll be free to blast away. couldnt you make a macro to bind to your mousewheel that would use a certain shot depending on if youre moving or not.. or maybe which stance your in.. giving priority to one of two shots.. idk how to do three but i see two being possible. When you activate it normally, your pet will attack your target (or your mouseover target). Ill try to test it out tonight if I get a chance, but give it a shot in the meantime and see if it does the trick. I have HM assigned to F3 and /petattack is W. Hey man, nice guide. /cast dismiss pet Not sure of a way to show only the active states. _____________________________________________________ So We will test your macros after holiday and maybe then it will be easier to got that furious weapon. /dismount [mounted] I use a Power Aura to help tell me when to cast Mend Pet. Demonic Strength; [known:Bilescourge Bombers,@cursor] Bilescourge This little mechanic was added in 3.1 to prevent engineers from gaining an unfair burst advantage in arena. The macro for this is as follows: #showtooltip Misdirection. /cast !Kill Command /startattack. /cast rabid #showtooltip Explosive Trap Using Quaking Palm is quite useful in Pvp, because you often find yourself in a melee situation (especially a stealth one attacking you). you to import other players data directly into their UI, however, and most /cast Hunters Mark /cast [@pet,exists] Kill Command; Mend Pet. In spite of my moderate gear, I evidently keep surprising others with my output (grin). Select tank and click macro button. These all add a simple /stopcasting command to ensure the interrupt is available when needed. /clearfocus [@focus,noharm] Its on the list believe me. A castsequence will get stuck if you cast hawk then cheetah, you will go into viper on the next press. This would toggle between the two aspects, but always default to Hawk when no aspect is active. The best way to do this is to add the following lines to an ability macro: One button press will ensure your Big Red Pet is on your DPS target, any attack-preventing immunity auras are cancelled, Aspect of the Wild is up, any DPS racials are up, and your burst trinket is popped. /cast Rapid fire Here's what it does in order: Which really makes no sense. Using the gear slot number as opposed to the actual item name is a more practical way of doing things. Primary Care: 860-346-2256 Fax: 860-346-3576 Same day and evening appointments. A collection of useful tools bundled in a single AddOn, offering statistics the Seduction target, is alive, it will re-seduce it, regardless of what your current target is. /cast Pin This macro will cast Soul Strike on mouseover if available, I do tend to use. /cast Bestial Wrath /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear(), #showtooltip Some Shot Maybe I should make a macro with both of my teammates? /cast Auto Shot Hey, man, nice macros, copied a few, but I was wondering if you know how to make macro that is capable of casting either Wing Clip(if in melee range) and Concussive shot(if further away), if you know how to make one without a modifier, it would be really appreciated^^, No, thats not possible without a mod key because both spells are on the Global Cooldown. Available Warlock Macros Healthstone / Battlemaster Trinket (Shift = Create Healthstone) Spammable Shadowfury Make and apply Spellstone/Firestone Teleport Raid Target Re-summoned Pet Dismount/Devour Fear and Fear Focus Spammable CoEx - Rogue Finder Spellstone/Wand Warlock Healthstones Arena Buffing Macro Fear mouseover target Chain Fear Focus Target Spammable Drain Devour Magic Spell Lock . Hey everyone, for some time now I've been trying to make a macro that will do the following: Makes my pet attack my TARGET and if I don't have one, the pet will attack the mouseover target. Come visit my site, I made an attempt at performing a little bit of search engine optimisation but it didnt actually work though You can also use Immolation/Explosive. also make your Dreadstalkers, Vilefiend (if talented) and Tyrant move, /petattack It would be awesome to combine them all in one macro, instead of 2. (insert wich ever instant shot you like) #showtooltip /use 13 Lower Trinket Macro Now, to add hawk and cheetah into one macro, along with hunters mark and pet attack, it would look like this: /cast Hunters Mark You can mouseover a target and press the alt modifier to set it in focus. If you have a focus: You will clear focus and your pet will be recalled to follow you. example, you can easily configure the nameplates to enlarge and change color /castsequence reset=7 !aspect of the hawk, nil /petattack [@targettarget, noexists]; I have tried this several ways and no matter how i macro it hunters mark will not work macroed in with anything else. Awesome site bro!! Its frustrating being the only ranged class where our ranged abilities are useless in melee. Can anyone help me how that macro should look like? thnx for ur hunter appreciation . noteworthy mechanics in any given encounter. In this way, the command will trigger if your target is anything but hostile (friendly, neutral, etc), including no target at all. I guess its the cool downs that are keeping me from making it work. cooldowns, etc. AlmiSama. Blizz did away with that ability back in The Shattering patch (Wrath of the Lich King), Im pretty sure. If you hold alt, call pet in stable slot 5. I use this as my zerg macro. Awesome man! I cant seem to find anything about it anywhere. /use Cataclysmic Gladiators Badge of Conquest, a cobra shot macro that switchs to fox to cast then uses cobra shot, #showtooltip Hunters Mark #show chimera shot (This line is replaced with other instant shots arcane, aimed, etc) For a thorough explanation on pet crit, read this post: https://huntsmanslodge.com/5560/beast-mastery-pvp-spec-redux.htm. Click the "Save" button, and drag your macro icon onto your bars, which will allow it to be used just like any other spell from your spellbook. Tab works great for most situations, but use these macros situationally to make it a little faster and easier to grab the right target. \use Virmens Bite. /cast [modifier:alt] Feed Pet; Mend Pet /cast Misdirection By default it uses Call Pet 1. very well done.You have done a great job on all the info. Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: /target - target an enemy, friendly player or npc. This macro will use a Healthstone if you have one, or a healing potion if you do not. Heres how its gonna look: #showtooltip Looking for a way to incorpatre /cast my-mount. Sorry for bad english I hope you understood it. Sometimes sound might disable itself (I found it has due to binding it to a mouse wheel and casting a sequence) but you may want it to play sound, if you put in: & These macros will be useful no matter your hunter spec or your playstyle. It should work. Wanted to add that Kripparian has a great video dealing with Hunter macros, their usage and limitations. Cast Intervene on your mouseover target with this macro for Wow that works awesome in PVP Repentance your focus or mouseover. /cast roar of courage Hunters Mark begins the GCD. Anyway love your page/blog. Can a macro be built that will put down trap,slow opponent and give time to escape? /cast !Aspect of the Hawk Thanks! Here are some of the basic commands used when scripting macros: Inputting an item or a spell into a macro is very easily done by holding down shift while clicking on the spell or item icon in your skills tab or inventory. On to continue tweaking! i am trying to make the simply missdirection macro and the tranquilizing shot works but i had no success. Just wanted to say youve got a great site here! When the gates go up and a target is called and a CC target is called you have ready to go buttons for your targets. For instance. /cast [mod:shift] Aspect of the Hawk 5 = chest As of Patch 5.0.4, all of these macros are current and fully functional. I have tried it with e.g. You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. I got all things covered in one macro (bestial wrath+rapid fire+Kill command+Any other use trinkys)..so like pulling my pet out after using this..would wasting everything :X /petattack There are a few lines youll see included in quite a few macros on this page that you may not understand. if so..it would make pvp much easier, /targetenemyplayer 10 Gloves components around so your UI will look exactly the way you want it to. Im just wondering how can I press volley shots at Lich King while doing the Tranquilizing shots at enrage shambling horror in just one key press, Im referring to LK fight (WOTLK 3.3.5) Thank you in advance and more power! /petfollow Thanks Gar, i am a SH, and offcourse my main shots are as all SHs KillShot, Explosive shot, Black arrow, serpents sting and offcourse Cobrashot. I love my macro in Alterac Valley, especially when those strays happen to run by.
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