WebThe High Priestess: His feelings towards you? Recent Examples on the Web By becoming high priestess, Enheduanna embodied the goddess earthly So it can mean that now is a time to just 'wait and see'. When it comes to feelings and relationships, this could be a challenging but enriching combo. In a positive, strength, or advantage spread position, The High Priestess means that you have very good intuition. WebTen of pentacles tarot card as feelings denote the seeker is feeling loved and secure. The crescent depicted in the card of the High Priestess (Rider-Waite deck) is Luna, the Moon. Your gut is probably right. Another meaning is, that they feel balanced and at peace with themselves. They feel as if they cannot move on. Or is yours something different? Their perception of you may be one of wisdom and spiritual insight, indicating a deep connection and understanding between the two of you. Blind faith wont help you. The High Priestess represents everything that happens on the inside, intuition, inner self, and higher wisdom. Lastly, there may be something that youre unsure about. You may feel like the answers justarent inside of you. When it comes to feelings and relationships, this combination can appear troublesome. not listening to one's intuition, confusion, not opening up, wrong conclusions, emotional imbalance, shallowness, mental illness. Ultimately, the High Priestess in career readings can signify that youre not yet meant to know the outcome. He is willing to share his feelings, thoughts, and experiences with you. WebHigh Priestess / Moon Suggests that he is waiting to see how things progress between you before showing his hand as he still feels rather confused by his feelings for you as they are not exactly clear cut at the moment. She is strong and powerful, yet connected and intuitive. After all, our world is solely created out of energy. One is black, with the letter B on it, and the other is white with the letter J on the front. WebPeople should definitely understand that dark empaths exist. The High Priestess is able to seamlessly travel between realms. The priestess in the card wears a cross a symbol of unity and balance of four essential elements. The curtain behind her back depicts pomegranates and palm leaves. The meaning of The High Priestess Tarot card is secrets. The Tarot card of intuition and mystery, The High Priestess is loved by diviners. The High Priestess is the card of psychic ability. It's also a way for me to remain humble, ensuring that I keep the big picture in mind. This is one of the reasons why I love using varied decks. Despite her profanity-laced wisdom, she never settles for anything less than what she deserves. Alternatively, there is information locked in your unconscious mind that youre not admitting to yourself. It may be that the actions you take could greatly affect other areas of your life. Thats why, in this article, we well dive in and explore all the different ways that the High Priestess can manifest in a tarot reading, both when it appears in the upright position and the reversed position. WebHe's struggling to reveal his feelings. If youre just starting out with tarot, using a deck thats both easy to use and understand is essential for a great (and fun!) In a relationship, honesty is absolutely essential when you pull the High Priestess. To help you be more specific, Ill go over the card and symbolism as well as the general meaning, then Ill give interpretations of The High Priestess in specific situations. What is the Universe telling you? 2 of swords: hma difficult card for me to understand; maybe a conflict between the mind and emotion? The High Priestess + The Fool As Feelings. Sometimes, the High Priestess appears when someone is keeping a secret from you. The two of you are bound together in eternity. Tarot eBooks. Make sure to check it out right here! When the High Priestess is reversed, if often represents someone feeling out of touch with their true self. The answer is most likely yes, but you need to wait until everything comes to light before making a definitive decision. This is the sort of card you get when the person who has feeling for you (sexual if pentacle) also has feeling for someone else and is trying to manage both of you. There is an inner voice calling you back either to resolve unsettled issues and emotions or even to come back together. JoyousGirl #9 Depending on the circumstances, how he feels about you is a broad question and could be: 7 of wands - He could feel that he needs to keep you at bay or he feels there's competition Not only is she a great example of the divine feminine, but she is also able to move between two worlds. The High Priestess is represented by the number II. Do they like me? If your intuition tells you this is indeed the case, try to focus on subtle clues when it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels about you. The High Priestess suggests that the person in question is guarded and likely holding back their true feelings. Be careful that you dont let your logical mind take over completely. Your connection is powerful yet subtle. There is no way forward but through, however, you can learn from your mistakes for the future. This card can also represent the women in question. We are reminded by the High Priestess to never settle for anything less than joy and fulfillment. Things shouldfeel right andseem right logically. The secret messages, forbidden texts, and diaries of how this person feels are not being revealed at the moment, but she finds you intriguing and patience means that she has time to work out what is inside. They're passionate and dedicated, but they don't screw around. These two pillars depict the duality of all things in the natural world. For singles and those embarking on new relationships, the High Priestess is a sign that this person feels that you are significant. The High Priestess represents the feeling of having met someone who is going to change your life. Sometimes, you just know because you have a gut feeling. They know. It can also indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by your emotions. You have divine protection. You may need to do some meditation, visualization, or spiritual work in order to figure out what you next step should be. This person is starting to believe that you two are bound to last. You simply know how the other one feels, and you fully trust them. They see you as a balanced and wise person. WebThree of cups as feelings speaks of joy and well-being. The High Priestess tells about connections on an intuitive and karmic level. This card is mystical, intriguing, spiritual, and feminine all in one. Therefore, it is neither a yes nor no from this card for most types of questions. WebThe High Priestess is a reminder that you have all of the answers that you need within you. The people around you, the people you meet, or someone specific feels intuitively connected to you. As this card can represent the collective unconscious, it could be that the person feels drawn to the other on an archetypal level, a soul level, or a karmic level. Another interpretation is that at the time you are not listening to or even ignoring your intuition. The High Priestess reversed is an indicator that youshould question things in order to figure out the truth. The High Priestess signifies academia work, history, libraries, and psychism. A crescent moon sits at the feet of the High Priestess. Instead, focus on what you feel about the options that you haveright now. Oftentimes we cannot realize either how someone feels about us or how we feel about them. 2022Auntyflo. Live in the present. The upright card suggests there is a deep connection on a soul level. In the area of feelings, it could be of major importance. Welcome to Calming Cosmos! Contents of website is Spirituality Media & Lisa Boswell (2022) not to be reproduced without permission. The High Priestess is an indicator that you need to learn more about your own values. The High Priestess tells you that its time to tap into your inner voice. Although you may not always feel in harmony within, you can help others find balance in their lives. LostButNotLost Knowflake . In love, the High Priestess reversed is an indicator that youmust trust your intuition. You may feel that youve been kept the dark or are alone. The combination of the High Priestess with the King of Pentacles generally indicates that someone is likely interested in you, but they are also trying to take things slowly. The combos are particularly interesting in feelings and relationship readings. You can find out more about Lisa and her work at www.divinerism.com. In front of her, there is a crescent moon. The Empress Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More, The Magician Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings and More, High Priestess Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and More. Seven Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More). My book reveals incredible dream secrets that have previously only been known to initiates of the esoteric groups. The High Priestess is entirely different from the Fool. If you are interested in the feelings of a specific person for you, this is not a particularly good sign. It is deep, karmic, and emotionally secure. The High Priestess in an upright position is a good sign when it comes to readings about someones feelings about you. In addition, a true intuitive feeling remains steady over time. The visual elements listed here all describe the Rider-Waite High Priestess card, so you may need to adapt these descriptions based on the deck youre using. It is a very positive tarot card combination when it comes to wanting to find out how someone feels about you, as it suggest a strong sense of love and care. You may want to consider one of these paths if youre job hunting. When The High Priestess appears as a negative, weakness, or obstacle in a Tarot spread, this means you have difficulty telling the difference between your feelings and your intuition; you must work on this if you want a happier life. Their intuition told them you are the one. Do some inner work or meditation to figure out what the truth is. Focus on yourself for the time being and let your intuition guide you to your next step. When it comes to relationships, Ive had love readings that turned up badly with The High Priestess in the future, but Ive also had the same outcome with a relationship thats going very smoothly. The High Priestess reveals there are things to be resolved between the two of you. This means that the person who represents the High Priestess might have the tendency to overthink things and may withdraw from certain situations or people as a result. Their intuition tells them you are a reliable and deep person. This The High Priestess tarot card suggests that someone is very much in touch with their intuition and feelings and is able to read people and situations extremely well. WebThe High Priestess tarot card speaks of feelings that often change. Going up and down? This card is especially interesting in feelings readings because it tells about hidden emotions and subconscious thoughts. The message of The High Priestess card always remains the same, regardless of the position: trust your inner voice and intuition. The High Priestess can be an indication that you would do well in a spiritual, psychic, or psychological field. She is the first card which many readers look at before they purchase a Tarot deck. These could also be strong sexual feelings or emotions like jealousy or possessiveness. Such bonds cannot break easily, even if you are separated. Her presence gives us courage and confidence to take on the world. Youll know that this is true if you already felt a sense of anxiety before this reading. If youre reading another person, you will be reading another psychic or sensitive who might also work in a metaphysical or healing profession. Dont take action until you figure out whats going on behind the scenes, especially if youre facing a big choice. This answer should feel rightand make logical sense. The High Priestess has a crescent moon at her feet. When you pull this card, its a sign to be wary of discussing your finances with others. The High Priestess holds onto that which we are not meant to know. This man thinks of you as his other half. The High Priestess encourages you to tap into the wealth of knowledge in your subconscious or unconscious mind. In fact, its probably best to keep your financial situation hidden. Up until now, you have relied on your mind in some ways and ignored your gut feelings, but this is not serving you well. If you want to read about The High Priestess in love, career, finances, as advice, as a person, as a yes/no answer, or reversed, feel free to scroll ahead to the appropriate section. Contact us. Three of cups speaks of adoration. This person likely has a lot of stuff going on, especially with regards to their career. Remember that the truth always comes out. As feelings, the High Priestess reversed can show deep, repressed, or blocked emotions. When it comes to love related feelings, the reversed High Priestess can suggest that someone is acting cold and distant towards you. This could either be because this person is afraid of getting hurt, or simply because they dont know how to express or to move forward with their feelings. It may indicate that there are still some unresolved issues between you, or that they are keeping their feelings to themselves. Unsubscribe at any time. Because the High Priestess sits between the two pillars, the symbolism implies that you must have knowledge of duality in order to enter this other realm. She is able to suffer with waiting, patience? However, you should trust your intuition. It is unknown whether this romance is going to last. WebThe High Priestess is sensitive to the moods and quirks of The Empress and knows how to work with, instead of against, these moods. When the Fool and the High Priestess show up together during a tarot reading, it indicates someone feels excited about a new beginning. You must simply focus and let go of your preconceived notions. High Priestess Tarot Meaning - Love, Future, Feelings, and There are powerful lessons in each card. The Seeker doesnt know what he or she is feeling, and/or the feelings seem to be inaccessible. It is unknown whether they like you. They are not one to act impulsively but rather take things slow and see where it leads them. The High Priestess meaning as an obstacle card can also be that things are moving too fast. This is something that can become frustrating for those around her, as it can be very hard to find out what this person is thinking or feeling. Although this combination sounds intimidating, it does not necessarily mean all is lost. It may happen more slowly than you like, but everything you needis inside. The priestess is not a teacher or leader on a pedestal, but rather, she is of the highest service. It is not known whether the future looks promising. If you feel like something is wrong, youre probably right. 2 of wands: maybe the person needs to decide which impulse to follow. She also guards secret information that may be deep in the mindor in the world. WebStrength - As Feelings If you ask ask how someone feels for you, Strength can indicate different things. Ideas, children, thoughts grow in the depth of her being, in the dark, before they come out in the light of the Empress's garden. When reversed it can indicate that what you are thinking isn't true. Her guidance reminds us that we cannot and should not settle for anything less than our dreams. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Keep in mind that symbolism will vary based on the deck youre using. You might have a wrong belief about your partner. If you have ever felt like something was holding you back in life, the Seven of Swords reversed card shows us that no matter how restricted we may feel, there is always an opportunity for progress Six Of Swords Reversed Meaning (Love, Career, Advice & More). Sometimes, the High Priestess can even represent someone with a mental illness, someone who believes theyre seeing into a realm that doesnt exist. You feel attracted to someone, but your feelings are mixed. Lastly, the High Priestess meaning in love is often that you need to embrace your divine feminine. 23 Apr 2023 00:46:41 The High Priestess is in-tune with her feminine side and well as her subconscious. Maybe you met only yesterday, yet you feel inexplicably close. You should live in the present and not worry about whats going to happen. WebThe High Priestess is also the gestator of the tarot. Trusting intuition is very important when it comes to feelings and relationships. That isnt to say that you should give up on your relationship. You may soon have a financial choice to make. No card is only positive or only negative. This tarot card alludes to a woman with the power to keep her man happy at any cost. If you ask how someone feels about you, the High Priestess can indicate that the person in question feels connected to you. Both The High Priestess and The Empress card embody the feminine principle or relate to the female in question. I recommend looking closely at the pictures on your cards if youre not using the Rider-Waite deck. Grab your free 28-page Tarot For Beginners Guide here: We won't send you spam. he High Priestess appears reversed in a reading, she might represent the act of overthinking. Her feelings are deep and she does not act on impulse. Your next move shouldfeel right. The High Priestess has alot of symbolism on the card. Taking a step back allows me to look at the situation objectively, without snapping at those who may be struggling around me. She is pulling you back, reminding you to stop getting ahead of yourself and to tune into yourself When discussing difficult topics, I often use this phrase as a way to keep things in check and remind myself that sometimes there are no solutions - only acceptance. You need to build confidence within yourself instead of expecting it to come from others. Even though they often come across as uninterested and maybe a bit unbothered even when it comes to matters of the heart, deep down, this is definitely not always the case! Because she can symbolism a future which is not yet to be revealed I feel that the High Priestess is often frustrating to interpret in a reading. The High Priestess represents someone who is intuitive and in touch with their feelings. Is there something that youknow, deep down, to be true? It may seem like things are standing still, but the world is always in motion. Her divination book, The Modern Oracle, was published in 2021. The High Priestess appears in the archetypes of Persephone, Isis, Artemis, Lilith, the Virgin Mary, and more. Through her work, she teaches diviners how to give more confident readings. In general, you may be facing some backlash because you didnt follow your intuition in the past. I often see this card appearing when things are not set in stone.For the general meaninng of the high priestess click here. You need tofeel your way through the current situation. Sometimes, the High Priestess is a warning that youre not seeing the full picture. As advice, the High Priestess means that the answers you seek come from within. WebThis is the sort of card you get when the person who has feeling for you (sexual if pentacle) also has feeling for someone else and is trying to manage both of you. See more. Sometimes, the High Priestess represents a person. Whenever you happen to pull the High Priestess in a tarot reading, make sure to also pay attention to the other cards that surround the High Priestess. If you come across the High Priestess during a tarot reading, it is important to take the time to explore what this card is trying to tell you as it can definitely provide valuable guidance and surprising insights. The High Priestess Meaning in Love & Relationships In love and relationships, the High Priestess card represents being found attractive and desirable by They feel naturally motivated to offer guidance and support to their loved ones. These qualities I am explaining are about YOU and how you see love right now. In a negative placement, the High Priestess indicates that secrets are being kept. However, she is an archetype of femininity. The lesson here is to step back and allow things to happen naturally. Born into a Romany Gypsy family of fortune tellers, Lisa has always had a passion for psychic development and related subjects. There could be a lack of understanding between partners. Sometimes, it just means that you have to make your own choices or learn a lesson yourself. Many people panic when The High Priestess comes up in a love Tarot reading, especially as the outcome. Lisa Boswell is an award-winning divination teacher. You probably did not speak about that, trying to move on. This card is a sign that all secrets will be revealed in time. Click Here For Timestamps~ A SPIRITUAL message for YOU! The High Priestess + The Emperor As Feelings. Your intuition feels sharp and clear. The Major Arcana The Wands The Cups The Swords The Pentacles. The High Priestess is associated with mysterious and personal spiritual aspects. Ultimately, the High Priestess indicates that you should always listen to your intuition. This is a mighty and promising combo, concerning relationships. The High Priestess herself symbolizes a third pillar, between the other two. The High Priestess helps us balance our heart, mind, and soul, on a subconscious level. In these cases, the future will reveal itself in its own time. The feelings are unclear. To be a leader, you must first learn to serve. The priestess is depicted as a woman in blue-white clothes, sitting quietly between pillars of black and white. In your career, things are happening with you realizing. TEA & ROSEMARY LLC, Crow Symbolism: Spiritual Meaning Of The Crow. You simply need to dig deeper. Is this idea reflected in all the 2's? This relationship is karmic. Copyright 1996 - 2022 Aeclectic Tarot. I see the high priestess as a symbol of our intuition and subconscious mind. Ultimately, you should take time to reflect before making any decisions. If you are asking how someone is feeling about you, Ten of pentacles can mean this person feels a familiar connection with you. intuition, inner wisdom, the subconcious, secret knowledge, spirituality, the feminine side, silence, retreat, inactiveness, inner balance, harmony, inner peace, insight, being open and receptive, guidance, to look deeper into a matter, to 'wait and see', a soul connection, to ponder a situation, overthinking. They want to make sure that they know what they are getting into before committing to anything. A cross sits on the High Priestess robe. The person you ask about feels as if they have known you their whole life; you likely feel the same. This represents the archetype of the Triple Goddess, or the maiden, the mother, and the crone. It might be that people come to you for advice on important matters, believing that your insights will assist them in making decisions that are in their best interests. You must wait until the situation unfolds further. When The High Priestess appears as a negative, weakness, or obstacle in a Tarot spread, this means you have difficulty telling the difference between your feelings and your intuition; you must work on this if you want a happier life. She generally symbolizes intuition, inner knowledge and inner balance. How do you juggle it? Your feelings may be a complete mystery, or theyre fluid and hard to pin down. Try to go with the flow and look for signs along the way, but dont get hung up on how things will turn out. The number two is extremely important in this card.
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